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SAWAH TANPA PETANI Oleh : Andrea Amalia Salma (Sumber : dengan judul A Land Without Farmers oleh Made Anthony Iswara) Kehilangan para petani merupakan hal yang menjadi perhatian bagi sebuah negara. Jika hal itu terus berlanjut, kemungkinan besar, Indonesia tidak memiliki sisa petani dalam kurun waktu 50 tahun. Apa yang akan kita makan? “Ya, kita akan kelaparan,” kata Adang Parman, 58, seorang petani dari desa Ciburial, Jawa Barat. Setiap hari, bapak dari tiga anak ini menuju ke sawah di pagi hari untuk mencabut gulma, menyirami tanamannya atau memetik sayuran. Sementara anaknya membajak sawah dengan traktor. Adang sudah menjadi petani lebih dari 40 tahun. Bertani merupakan pekerjaan yang menuntut dan melelahkan. Hal ini mungkin dapat menjelaskan mengapa semakin sedikit orang yang ingin menggeluti pekerjaan itu. Indonesia kehilangan 5,1 juta petani antara tahun 2003 dan 2013, menjadi 26 juta, menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Kecenderungan ini diperkirakan akan b


Pencakar Langit Sampah (Jabodetabek tenggelam dalam gunung sampah) Oleh : Andrea Amalia Salma, terjemahan liputan The Jakarta Post dengan judul Skyscraper of Waste oleh Vela Andapita dan Sausan Atika) Pernahkah kalian menghitung jumlah sampah yang kalian hasilkan? Jabodetabek, dengan lebih dari 30 juta penduduk, mengirim lebih dari 14.000 ton sampah ke TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) setiap harinya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, limbah yang sudah dihasilkan oleh Jabodetabek selama tiga tahun terakhir dapat mengisi gedung pencakar langit tertinggi di Jakarta, yaitu Menara Gama yang memiliki tinggi 310 meter. Aliran sampah yang sangat deras, ditambah lagi dengan pengelolaan sampah yang buruk, telah membawa area metropolitan ke dalam krisis. Beberapa TPA sudah kelebihan muatan atau menghadapi resiko kelebihan muatan. Dalam waktu dekat, penduduk Jabodetabek akan kehabisan tempat untuk membuang sampah. Krisis ini telah mempengaruhi orang-orang yang tinggal berdekatan dengan TPA. Gunungan sampah yang

Terjemahan perdana

  نوادر وطرف 1- دخل رجل يدعى عمران على امرأته، وكان قبيح الوجه جداً، وكانت امرأته جميلة؛ فلما نظر إليها ازدادت في عينه جمالاً وحسناً؛ فلم يتمالك أن يديم النظر إليها، فقالت: لماذا تديم النظر إلي هكذا؟ قال: الحمد لله، لقد أصبحت والله جميلة. فقالت له: إذن فأنا وأنت في الجنة!! قال: ومن أين علمت ذلك؟ قالت: لأنك أعطيت مثلي فشكرت، وأنا أعطيت مثلك فصبرت؛ والصابر والشاكر في الجنة. 2- رأى طفيلي قوماً ذاهبين، فاعتقد أنهم في دعوة إلى وليمة، فذهب خلفهم، فإذا هم شعراء قصدوا الأمير بمدائح لهم، فلما أنشد كل واحد شعره، وأخذ جائزته، لم يبق إلا الطفيلي، وهو جالس لا يتكلم، فقيل له: أنشد شعرك. فقال: لست شاعراً. قيل: فمن أنت؟ قال من الغاوين الذين قال الله فيهم: {والشعراء يتبعهم الغاوون} فضحك الأمير من إجابته، وأمر له بجائزة. 3- سافر عثمان بن رواح، وصديق له إلى بلد بعيد، فقال له صديقه في السفر: اذهب يا عثمان إلى السوق واشتر لنا لحماً. فقال له عثمان: والله ما أستطيع. فقام الصديق واشترى لحماً، وعاد يقول: قم الآن واطبخ اللحم. فقال عثمان بن رواح: والله لا أستطيع. فطبخ صديقه اللحم، وعاد يقول: الآن قد أعد الطعام،

The Parable of Shirk

From Ustadz Nouman Ali Khan's lecture about surah Al-Hajj verse 31  وَمَنْ يُشْرِكْ بِاللَّهِ فَكَأَنَّمَا خَرَّ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ فَتَخْطَفُهُ الطَّيْرُ أَوْ تَهْوِي بِهِ الرِّيحُ فِي مَكَانٍ سَحِيقٍ “And whoever would commit shirk with Allah, then it is as though he fell from the sky, bird picked at him, and the wind blew him away to uncharted place.” The parable above in which somebody was heading up to the sky and could possibly fall, is like you’re clinging up a rope and Allah said, “If you lost hope in Allah, cut it!” And what’s gonna happen once you cut it? You’re gonna fall. That image is being continued in the next parable. The people who lose hope in Allah are the people of shirk. That’s a form of shirk. It says, though they’re falling from the sky.  One of the famous orientalist argued about this example. This is one of the most illogical examples in the Qur’an. He made a criticism against the Qur’an. “Who’s ever seen anybody falling from the sky?” فَتَخْطَفُهُ الطَّيْ

An Early Bird vs A Night Owl

pic from pinterest. maaf kalo ga nyambung, hehe Do you wake up early every day or stay up late every night? If you’re always wake up early then you’re an early bird, but if you staying up late into the night, then you’re a night owl. Some people are easy to wake up early in the morning and can’t stay up late while others prefer to work late at night. It might happen genetically but there are also some other factors.  We can’t really say which one is better because it’s depend on people’s preferences and there are some pros and cons about these two. First, I want to talk about being an early bird. There are some people who can wake up early whether they try it or they just do it naturally. Some good things from being an early bird are :  You wake up to fresh air in the morning and be able to see the mesmerizing sunrises every day  You become more organized and disciplined. When you know that you need to wake up at a certain time every day, you can only sleep more by planning ahead and

What It’s Like Being on Stan Twitter

  People who are active on twitter must be familiar with the word ‘stan twitter accounts'. Stan twitter accounts are accounts that are dedicated to fanboying or fangirling. They can just post tweets updating about their faves, admiring them, and also support them at the same time. I just made a fan twitter account a few months ago after I became an army (bts’ fans). To be honest I can really feel that army is a very dedicated fandom (it’s like the same thing as kingdom but for fans). Army on twitter are literally have done so many great things that I witnessed it with my own eyes. They made it to donate 1 million dollars on BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement matched BTS who has donated the same amount before, some generous army help their fellow army to learn so many things like @army_language twitter account who helps army to learn languages (I joined one of their programs), and they also often cheer up their fellow army when some of them face difficulties. One of the recent great

Some Interesting Facts About Arabic Language and Why You Need To Learn It

Learning a new language is like a challenging adventure for some people. Choosing a language to learn was influenced by so many things, it can be because of work or just because we really like the language and interested to learn it because of its beauty. Here are some facts about Arabic language that you should consider to learn.  • It's So Important For Muslims Al-Qur'an was written in Arabic and it's the Prophet's native language. It's really clear that in order to understand more about Islam and to know more about Allah and Rasulullah, it's our obligation to learn Arabic. • Arabic Will Allow You To Communicate With Millions of People Arabic is one of the six United Nations official languages, along with Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. It’s also one of the widely spoken language in the world as it's the official language of over 25 countries and has more than 400 million speakers around the world. Arabic is an extremely useful language as

Some Good Things From Being in Quarantine

Source : @bts_twt, taken by Vante💜 In the beginning of 2020, the world were surprised by the corona virus outbreak. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. This virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness. Realizing how easily this virus spread, right now many countries are in lockdown to prevent it to spread. Lockdown has affected people's lives and make people need to adjust to the new lifestyle which is to do all of their activities at homes be it work or study from home. Doing all of our activities at home can make us feel bored because we always do things at home and we can't meet people who used to support us directly in the school or in the office. Realizing that it happened all of a sudden and we still don't have any idea when it will e

What's The Purpose of Our Existence?

Ga nyambung gambarnya ㅋㅋㅋ, yg penting ada gambarnya Sometimes, we feel clueless about our life because we really don't know the purpose of our existence. There are so many people in this world. Do our existence really matter? What should we do in order to at least make the world a better place? I believe that sometimes you might think what was the purpose of your life, what you should fill your life with. It's a common question. We all ever think about that. We know that we should fill our life with only good things, but what actually the purposes of our life?  As we grow older and keep discovering this life, we might know the purpose of our existence. As I still don't know the purpose of my life, I would think that as long as I always try to be a better person, make myself proud, forgive the mistakes I've done, make my surroundings happy and have the intentions to help as many people as possible, I think it's enough to answer my question about the purpose of my lif

Don't Ever Compare Your Chapters in Life with Someone Else's Chapters

We are all born from different parents and grown up in different places, no one would experience the exact same thing. There were people who were privileged enough to be raised by rich parents but that doesn't guarantee that their lives would be great in the end. There were also people who were raised from parents who were not that rich but always teach good things to their children and always live happily. Sometimes comparing ourselves to others can be a good thing if get motivated by it, but it would be bad if get down because we feel nothing compared to them. We are all have different start points in this life and our own privileges, there's no need to compare our lives to others. And remembering that we also have different goals in this life, all we need to compared to is our past selves. We only live once, so we need to always be happy and not worrying about what others would say if we haven't achieved some of the things that we still can't achieve, no need to r

Life is About Making Choices

We already know that we are the leader of our lives. We are the ones who holds accountable for our lives. We are the ones who choose what we are going to do in this life. Sometimes we made wrong choices but it can't make us regret for a long time and don't want to continue our lives. In this life everything happened by the will of Allah, that means everything that happened to our lives is meant to be and no need to be sad nor blame Allah if there's something that doesn't feel right. If we ever feel not satisfied with our lives, it's our chance to work harder and ask more from Allah. Our lives is like a book, everything we do is going to be written and divided in some chapters depend on our stage of life. If we were a reader we definitely just want to read a good book right? That is why we need to fill our lives with only good things so that it’s going to turn out good. By that I just want to remind us especially myself that I have to be careful with what I'm goi

How My Perspectives on K-pop Changed

BTS speak at the UN. Source: As we all know, these past years, K-pop became a worldwide phenomenon. Many people get crazy over K-pop idols. It’s fascinating to see how people around the world could appreciate Asian artists that much. As an Asian myself, I feel so proud about that. I used to have this kind of mindset. I used to underestimate K-pop idols and wondering what they’ve done that can made people get crazy over them. I used to see K-pop idols as people who just rely on their visuals and just sing and dance. But after I knew more about one of them which is BTS, my perspectives on them has changed completely.  For me who used to underestimate K-pop idols and their fans, I never imagined that I’d like BTS and enjoy their music. Back then, I used to wonder how BTS could become a worldwide phenomenon. I wonder how they could get Order of Cultural Merit from South Korean government, gave speech at the UN and appeared on the cover of TIME magazine. But after I got t

Your Existence Matters

This whole world is so big even a person is like a dot if we see it from the sky. Even the earth is not the biggest planet, it’s still a big place. Up until know there are 7 billion people in the entire world. Such a big amount right? But we never really feel it because we live in our own world, we live in our own bubble. People we interact with is always the same day by day, the place we visit is the same again and again, we never really think about others existence in the other side of the world. The world is so amazing. There are various people and there are so many places that different from each other and have their own uniqueness. Indeed, we live in such a big place in this universe.  If really think about it, feels like a waste if we still in the same place and with the same people over and over again until the end of our life. We will never grow! Speaking of this big world that would see us as a small thing, sometimes we feel like we mean

Love Ourselves 💜

Memahami diri sendiri adalah langkah awal untuk mencintai diri kita. Tetapi, tak semua orang dapat melakukannya. Perlu proses panjang untuk itu.  Mencintai Diri Sendiri. kata yang terasa mudah untuk diucapkan, tapi sangat sulit untuk dilakukan. Apalagi di era sosial media ini yang membuat seolah-olah dunia tidak ada batasanya, kita sangat mudah terekspos dengan kehidupan orang lain yang seringnya hanya menunjukkan kesenangan dan kemewahan, membuat kita menjadi iri akan hal itu, dan tak jarang membanding-bandingkan diri kita dengan mereka. Hal yang membuat kita makin sulit untuk mencintai diri sendiri adalah sulitnya memaafkan kesalahan kita di masa lampau. Tak jarang kita berlarut-larut menyesalinya dan takut untuk menatap masa depan. Membuat kita makin sulit untuk menerima diri kita sendiri. Akui saja, kadang mencintai diri sendiri lebih sulit daripada mencintai orang lain. Tapi bagaimanapun, diri kita yang kemarin, sekarang, dan nanti tetaplah diri kita. Kita t