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Your Existence Matters

This whole world is so big even a person is like a dot if we see it from the sky. Even the earth is not the biggest planet, it’s still a big place. Up until know there are 7 billion people in the entire world. Such a big amount right? But we never really feel it because we live in our own world, we live in our own bubble. People we interact with is always the same day by day, the place we visit is the same again and again, we never really think about others existence in the other side of the world.

The world is so amazing. There are various people and there are so many places that different from each other and have their own uniqueness. Indeed, we live in such a big place in this universe. 

If really think about it, feels like a waste if we still in the same place and with the same people over and over again until the end of our life. We will never grow!

Speaking of this big world that would see us as a small thing, sometimes we feel like we mean nothing, we're not that important in this big world. Indeed we are so small, which means we shouldn't brag anything because we're not that special. But things that we have to keep in mind is even the smallest things we do is matter. The words we write, the advice we give, the people we help. It all matters, it's what make the world shines bright, it's the people who are so passionate and aware that their existence are worth enough, that their small existence matter.

Everyone has their own world because everyone is different. There is no one that you can be (or should be) compared against in your own world. You are different. You are special. You’re beautiful on your own. Always remember that your existence is matters even if at times you think it isn’t.

PS : I always happy If there's someone who appreciates my work even though it's still need many improvements. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ


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