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Showing posts from January, 2021

Allah’s Respect To Rasulullah SAW

 In the Qur’an, there are يا آدمُ، يا داوودُ، يا عيسىٰ، يا موسىىٰ، يا زكريَّا، يا يحيىٰ، يا إبراهيمُ. There’s something cool about this. This is all from the Qur’an and most of these is Allah talking to these prophets. So He says : “Ya Adam, enter yourself and your spouse into heaven.” “Ya Dawud, we have made you khalifah.” “Ya Isa, I’m taking you away.” “Ya Musa, what is in your right hand.” “Ya Zakariya, we’re giving you good news of a boy you’re going to have.” “Ya Yahya, hold on to the book with all your might, hold on to the law of Allah with all your might.” “Ya Ibrahim, you fulfill your promise (when he was willing to sacrifice his son)” But we don’t find in the Qur’an يا محمد, that doesn’t happen. He’s the prophet that Allah talks about more than any other prophets. He’s the one that Allah talking to him all the time. But, you don’t find يا محمد. What you find areيا أيها النبي، يا أيها الرسول، يا أيها المزمّل، يا أيها المدثر . It’s pretty powerful. Allah never used his name. A

Resume of Nahw Intensive 1

I knew Dream Worldwide program for the first time from Ustadz Nouman's Facebook before the class started. I was so interested in it but I can't start learning right away because I have college's tasks at that time. The first time I start learning was on October 31 2020. And then I paused it around November 11 2020 because I was so busy with college at that time. Alhamdulillah, right now I have a lot of free time because of college break. And yeah, I can start learning Arabic again🥰 •There are 3 kinds of Arabic :  1. Street Arabic 2. Fusha Arabic (proper Arabic nowadays) 3. Ancient Arabic (good Arabic from back in the day) •There are 3 kinds of words in Arabic : 1. Ism (a person, place, idea, thing, adjective, adverb and more) 2. Fi'il (a word that has a tense (past, present, future)) 3. Harf (a word that makes no sense unless another word come after it) •There are 4 properties of ism : 1. Status 2. Number 3. Gender 4. Type 1. STATUS (4 lessons) •Forms of Status a. Raf/