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On Insecurity

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote in this blog. I'm pretty well but not quite great.  The topic that I'm gonna talk about here is something that I'm familiar with, which is insecurity.  If I have to be honest, I've been dealing with insecurity for the past few years. It was because I always feel left out compared to people my age in terms of achievements. The feeling struck me whenever I see them who have been achieving so many things in life while I still feel clueless about what I should do in life. Feeling insecure is like a disease because it can affect many aspects in your life. When you feel insecure, you think that you're not good enough and it holds you for doing things that you actually good at but you can't see it because you're already feel like you're not enough. I found this interesting perspective about insecurity from someone's tweet. He tweeted, "...insecurity is the worst thing you can unconsciously feed into
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Pangeran Cilik - Sebuah Ulasan Singkat

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No, it's not like I'm having a crush on you I'm not I don't have any feeling for you (you're not my type btw) It's just because I'm nervous You know that I often feel nervous when I'm with someone I don't really know That is what I feel when you're around It's not your fault And I'm sorry if I ever make you uncomfortable with what I did I'm just feeling nervous But I believe that As time goes by, this feeling will fade And I will get used to you being around  #randomnotes 

Bulbul Sayang❤️

6 April 9:55am, bulbul dan adik 21 Juni 4:16pm, bulbul tidur di badanku 21 Juni 4:17pm Dia emg bisa tidur dimana aja😁 Waktu masih bayi, mamah suka masukin bulbul ke tas, hehe Bulbul dan adik beberapa hari setelah lahir 9 Juni 6:59pm, bulbul nemenin Katie yang lagi sakit 19 Juni 7:43pm, bulbul tidur di atas karung😍 Sayang. Rasa sayang teramat yang membuatku sangat kehilangan saat dia udah ngga ada karena kecelakaan kemarin sabtu 26 Juni 2021. Sekeluarga sayang banget sama dia. Dia tuh bayi yang udah dewasa sebelum waktunya. Kurang dari sebulan udah makan nasi dan aktif jalan-jalan padahal masih kesusahan jalannya. Dia itu nerima banget kucingnya, makan apa aja, jadinya gendut, hehe. Walaupun selisih umurnya 5 bulan sama ketiga kakaknya, dia itu gampang banget membaur padahal dulu umurnya masih satu bulanan. Inget banget waktu adeknya meninggal waktu umurnya kurang dari satu bulan, ibunya meluk terus dan selalu ada disampingnya ngga pengen lepas.  Sekitar pertengahan Mei lalu, kita dap

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