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Showing posts from 2023

On Insecurity

It's been a long time since the last time I wrote in this blog. I'm pretty well but not quite great.  The topic that I'm gonna talk about here is something that I'm familiar with, which is insecurity.  If I have to be honest, I've been dealing with insecurity for the past few years. It was because I always feel left out compared to people my age in terms of achievements. The feeling struck me whenever I see them who have been achieving so many things in life while I still feel clueless about what I should do in life. Feeling insecure is like a disease because it can affect many aspects in your life. When you feel insecure, you think that you're not good enough and it holds you for doing things that you actually good at but you can't see it because you're already feel like you're not enough. I found this interesting perspective about insecurity from someone's tweet. He tweeted, "...insecurity is the worst thing you can unconsciously feed into

Pangeran Cilik - Sebuah Ulasan Singkat

Dulu pernah liat buku ini di perpus SMP, tapi saat itu belum tertarik. Sampai akhirnya beberapa waktu lalu orang yang aku kagumi bilang kalau buku ini berperan besar dalam memantik daya kreativitasnya dan membuat ia suka menulis dan membaca. Turned out, it's a really great book! Menurutku ini bukan a child book sih, soalnya bener2 buat mikir. But it would be a good book for children too. Aku tamatin buku ini hanya dalam beberapa jam aja karena emang seseru itu.  Beberapa poin penting yang perlu dihighlight dari buku ini: 1. Hal2 yang kamu anggap remeh dan tidak penting karena terlihat seperti itu bagimu, bisa jadi merupakan dunianya seseorang, bisa jadi merupakan segalanya bagi seseorang dan dunia seakan runtuh bila hal tersebut hilang. 2. "Mengadili diri sendiri lebih sulit daripada mengadili orang lain. Jika kamu berhasil berarti kamu betul-betul orang yang bijaksana." 3. Sebab bagi orang-orang sombong, semua orang lain adalah pengagumnya. Orang-orang sombong hanya mend


It's a fate that I got to know you I like talking to you  And I know that I'm the one who made this relationship not like what it used to be It hurts, a little, because I still want to talk to you But if you already got hurt because of what I said before and no longer want to talk to me, it's okay It's good to know you Maybe it's the best for us not to talk to each other anymore Ps : This is the first time I ever felt heartbreak bc of a man but I'm glad that I only knew him for two weeks, I hope it won't be that hurtful